Sacred Valley Health was formed in 2012 to improve access to healthcare in remote communities of Peru’s Sacred Valley. With a dedicated staff, we recruit, train, and support promotoras (community health workers) who provide fundamental health education in their home communities.
The Need
At Sacred Valley Health, we believe that healthcare is a basic human right. We work in vibrant indigenous communities of Peru’s Sacred Valley. Located high in the Andean mountains, they are full of culture and tradition but lack access to basic healthcare for a variety of reasons. The nearest clinic is hours away from much of our catchment area and the closest hospital is even further. Geographic isolation, poor road conditions, and irregular transportation are all barriers to accessing care. Socioeconomic disparities, limited resources, and inadequate education also contribute to poor health outcomes. Rates of preventable disease – such as malnutrition, respiratory illness, and diarrheal disease – are disproportionately high. Screening for common diseases is rare, and many diseases present late to medical attention, resulting in unacceptable rates of morbidity and mortality in these communities.