Promotora Program
The foundation of SVH’s CHW Program is the Promotora Program, a required 2-year training focused on fundamental learning techniques and health education. Our goal is that each community in our catchment area that wishes to participate in our program has access to a promotora de salud. In this program, CHWs receive monthly trainings to learn specific health topics to prevent, early detect, and treat certain diseases and conditions common in the high Andes region of Peru.
CHWs are able to take that knowledge back to their communities by providing direct health education and wound treatment to their neighbors.
CHWs are compensated for community work based on the number of house visits and community presentations completed each month. This program places a heavy emphasis on the concept of adult learning methods, leadership skills, and individual behavior change.
After graduating from this two-year program, promotoras have the option to participate in one or more of our specialized programs: the Docente Program, the Women’s Health Program, the Advanced Nutrition Program, and the Wilderness Medicine Program.